Welcome to Horse Poo Hell

You are a robot that needs to clean up horse poop in a wild west town, the only problem is that it's falling from the sky!

A to go left, D to go right, SHIFT to sprint

Each normal poop you collect give you 1 score, large poop gives you 5.

If poop touches the ground you loss score, 1 for normal poo and 5 for large poo.

If you get hit by red poo you lose 10 score.

Made in 48 Hours.

Asset used:

https://composercarman.itch.io/wild-west-music - Music

https://ansimuz.itch.io/mountain-dusk-parallax-background - Background

https://zilazobens.itch.io/graybox-horses-walking - Horse


MIX JAM 12.exe 89 MB

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